Linda Porter The Thistle and the Rose: The Extraordinary Life of Margaret Tudor

Just when you thought there was nothing new to be said about the Tudors, along comes this important and immensely readable biography. Margaret Tudor - wife to the king of Scotland, sister to the king of England, ancestress of the Windsor dynasty - is here convincingly reconfigured as a skilled and ambitious power player in her own right. It’s hard to believe no-one has properly covered this subject before - but perhaps Margaret was lucky in waiting until Linda Porter came along.
— Sarah Gristwood

Dr Linda Porter is talking about ‘Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots: an unlikely heroine’. Married aged thirteen to the charismatic James IV of Scotland and widowed at twenty-three after his death in battle, Margaret had a dramatic life and is an underrated queen.

about the author

Doctor Linda Porter is the critically acclaimed author of five books on the Tudors and Stuarts. She was also the historical consultant on Lucy Worsley’s BBC1 series, Six Wives, and is currently working as a consultant for a major new Tudor documentary for BBC2.