The Guildford Book Festival is committed to the safeguarding and care of children and adults at risk of harm at its events.

We are also committed to the relevant statutory legislation and guidance for the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk of harm.

Safeguarding Officer

The Trustees will appoint a Safeguarding Officer who will be responsible on behalf of the other trustees for implementing the policy in respect of safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm.   

Our Safeguarding Officer is Sue Sturgeon email contact

Paid Workers and/or Volunteers

Paid workers and Trustees do not undertake work with children and/or adults at risk of harm where they do not have their own parent or appropriate adult with them.  

Children and Vulnerable Adults 

Children who wish to attend Book Festival events will not be allowed to attend unless accompanied by a parent or appropriate adult.

Consideration will be given at all times for the health, safety and welfare of each child, young person and vulnerable adults.


If anyone representing the Guildford Book Festival is concerned that someone at one of the events is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others. They should immediately report the matter to the police and inform the Safeguarding Officer, who will make a judgement as to the need to report the matter to the Charity Commission.  

 Last updated January 2023